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Psychodreamers (PlayStation Future Talents Project)

Concept art for a Playstation Spain Event Project

Concept for box art

Concept for box art

Enemy design (shiny creature)

Enemy design (shiny creature)

Enemy design (villainous creature)

Enemy design (villainous creature)

Character design (Hat changes depending what type of enemy you defeat)

Character design (Hat changes depending what type of enemy you defeat)

-Soulcatcher-Main weapon (back)

-Soulcatcher-Main weapon (back)

-Soulcatcher-Main weapon (profile)

It can blow or suck tha air, it lets the player catch enemies and/or blow them away. The player changes its abilities depending what kind of enemy they absorb.

-Soulcatcher-Main weapon (profile)

It can blow or suck tha air, it lets the player catch enemies and/or blow them away. The player changes its abilities depending what kind of enemy they absorb.

Psychodreamers logo

Psychodreamers logo